Garbage Soup

Grandma Roma captured this recipe from Phyllis Diller, American comedian and actress. Phyllis wrote, “This is a rare delicacy of the civilized world. It is an old-world custom to have a big pot on the back of the stove where you throw all the "usable" garbage. Today, so many vitamins go down the drain. We Americans have the healthiest drains this side of the Mayo Clinic. We throw away juice from cans, water from cooked vegetables, and meats. Now here's how to make "garbage soup." You cozy up to your butcher and ask for a soup bone. This will thrill him. No one asks for a soup bone. How many people own a Great Dane? You take the bone home! This is the beginning of Garbage Soup for the week.”

1 soup bone
Salad lift (This refers to salad seasoning)
Grated Parmesan cheese
Poultry seasoning
1 large can tomatoes (crushed)
1 can kidney beans


  1. Fill a huge pot half full of water; add salt, pepper, salad lift, grated Parmesan cheese, and poultry seasoning

  2. Drop in the bone (forget the dog, let him find his own bone).

  3. Chop and add onion, parsley, carrots, and potato—all fresh.

  4. Add a large can of tomatoes and kidney beans.

  5. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Allow to simmer for 2+ hours or until vegetables are tender.

  6. From here on, all leftovers (except pickles and Jell-O) go into the soup—juice from cans, salad with dressing, rinse skillet from frying. Remember, anything boiled is germless. The flavor is fantastic.

This recipe is mostly for comedic effect, but if you skip step six, you’re in for a real treat!

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Rowan Toffoli

I’m Rowan the Writer. Writing, coffee, cats, BuJo, and gardening.

Wild Rice Hot Dish